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“Your Power of Employment and Compensation”

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Learn how to get the pay you want from the “Universal Paymaster!”

Rev. Ike bases this teaching on Jesus’s statement: “I must be about my Father’s business.” He begins by explaining exactly who Jesus is, not who theologians say he is. Once you understand, you learn that your first job is the same as Jesus’.

“Most people don't know who they're working for, and they don't know how to determine their salaries." — Rev. Ike.

Use promo code EMCOM when you check out and receive $2.00 off the full-length streamable or downloadable MP3!

New book from Rev. Ike Legacy!

Reverend Ike: An Extraordinary Life of Influence

by Mark Victor Hansen (Author), Xavier Eikerenkoetter (Author), Bob Proctor (Foreword)

Just who was Reverend Ike? Why do millions of people of all ages, religions, and backgrounds tune in to hear his timeless teachings on life, love, hope, and how to live their best lives?

Explore the extraordinary life of Reverend Ike, his miraculous experiences and achievements, and how his understanding of the profound promises of abundant life through his insightful interpretation of the Bible led him to the transformative principles that have helped millions achieve financial success, independence, and joyful living.

Available now — it’s a beautiful gift too!