How to Trick Your Subconscious Mind
Into Giving You What You Want

By Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter

January 2008

Whatever your subconscious believes to be true will manifest in material reality! And I will tell you how you can use your God-given power of visualization to actually 'trick' your subconscious mind into getting you everything you want in life!

We're talking about visualization, so first of all, let's deal with the definition of visualization in two parts:

Part 1.

Visualization is seeing and feeling yourself in your mind already being, doing, and having the good you desire.

Part 2.

Visualization is deliberate, positive, creative dreaming (imagining) of things into expression or existence.

Whenever I use the term "magic," I usually qualify it. I will use "magic" here because visualization can work like magic. It will skip you over a lot of difficulties in reaching your goal. Many people using it for the first time have gotten dramatic, seemingly miraculous results.

But First, You Must Decide What you Want

Notice that the first part of the definition of visualization talks about "having the good that you desire." There is something that needs to happen before you even visualize. Notice the word desire. What is the first thing you must do? You have to decide what you desire, and you have to determine what it is that you want.

Decide and Be Definite

I can never emphasize too often or too much the importance of using your power of decision. And I am always surprised at people who have never decided exactly what they want. So first, decide exactly what you want to be, do, and have, and then see and feel yourself already being, doing, and having that good you desire.

Here is a fantastic truth about your subconscious mind: it does not know the difference between a mental picture and material reality.

What Does the Bible Say About Visualization?

Perhaps some of you from a Bible background are already asking, "Well, Reverend Ike, what has this Mind Science business and this visualization business got to do with the Bible?" Plenty. There are many scriptures in the Bible that deal with visualization. One of these visualization scriptures says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

This means that if you cannot see yourself in your inner vision, being what you want to be, you will perish without ever being it. If you cannot see and feel yourself accomplishing the good that you desire to accomplish, you will perish without accomplishing it. "Where there is no vision, the people perish." The word "visualization" could be substituted: "Where there is no visualization, the people perish."

"Visualization," or "vision" in this particular verse of scripture, also indicates that if you cannot see yourself out of your poverty, you will die in poverty. If you cannot see yourself healthy, you will perish in your sickness.

See Yourself As You Wish to Be

Therefore, see yourself as healthy in your own mind. See yourself happy in your own mind. Have a vision of yourself as a happy person. See yourself loving and being loved in your own mind. See yourself with plenty of money in your own mind. If you do not see yourself with plenty of money, you will likely die without any money.

"You mean, Rev. Ike, if I am broke, and it's a fact that I don't have any money, I am still to imagine I've got it?" Yes! That's exactly what it means. When you visualize, you must look beyond the facts—beyond your current condition—and see yourself as you wish to be. Whatever you see and feel in your imagination, your subconscious mind will believe to be true, and it will manifest in material reality!

Love, Peace, and Prosperity,

Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter,
Better Known as Rev. Ike.

© Rev. Ike Legacy, LLC. 2023. All rights reserved.

Listen to this FREE 5-minute audio excerpt from Rev. Ike’s The Power of Visualization Course.

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